
Teacher Resources

Basic Botany

Learn more about plant life cycles and reproduction with this presentation from Western Oregon University.

Terrific Botany Resources

The Great Plant Escape from the University of Illinois is an award-winning, multi-faceted interactive site with information, diagrams, and activities on all aspects of plant life. Spanish version available.

The Plants-in-Motion website from Indiana University features amazing time-lapse photography of plant movement, including germination, growth, reproduction, and tropisms (response to stimuli).

Missouri Botanical Gardens has a great website for students and teachers with facts, songs, and ready-to-use lesson plans on seed dispersal, plant growth, and pollination.

Resources for Teachers from PBS

PBS Learning Media has complete lesson plans that use amazing NOVA video clips and interactive activities to teach Plant Life Cycles (K-5), What Are Plants? (K-2), Plants are living things (3-5), How Plants Get Energy (3-5), and Plant Structure and Function (5-7).

If you have access to ipads or tablets for your classroom, PBS Kids Scratch Jr. has an activity for primary-grade teachers that combines botany education with computer literacy. Students learn about what plants need as they grow their own digital plants.

Lesson Plans and More

For early childhood and K-1 educators, Plant Life Teacher's Guide is a treasure. It includes background information and 16 hands-on learning experiences involving seeds, plant parts, growth, flowers, and human use of plants. If you teach younger students, you will want to check this out.

The US Forest Service has terrific resources and detailed lesson plans on flower parts, pollinators, and the importance of plants to humans, with extensions, worksheets, and downloadable visuals.

Take a look at this lesson on plant parts for K-2 students from the American Association for the Advancement of Science. 

Smithsonian in the Classroom has a complete lesson plan on pollination and the vital partnership between plants and bees. University of California offers Flight of the Pollinators, a fun, hands-on activity where students take on a pollinator's perspective, adopting the role of a bee, moth, butterfly, or hummingbird.

Plants Teacher Resources from Scholastic features several lessons to help K-5 students study the structures, varieties, life cycles, and uses of plants, seeds, flowers, and trees. For example, Life Cycle of a Flowering Plant for grades K-2, has lessons on exploring seeds, dissecting plants, and investigating the plant-based products we use.

Experiments, Experiments

Project Learning Tree has hands-on plant science experiments for grades K-2, 3-5, and middle school.

From Science Made Simple, find standards-aligned botany experiments for grades 4 and up.

Botany Science Experiments include investigations into phototropism, gravitropism, transpiration, and vascular systems.