

Idaho State Standards

Here are correlations to the Idaho State Language and Math standards and to the Idaho State Science Standards. For more information about the overall standards, see the complete Idaho Content Standards for Science, the Next Generation Science Standards, and the alignment between Idaho and NGSS Science Standards. You may also access the Idaho English Language Arts/Literacy Standards and Mathematics Standards.


Third Grade

ELA/Literacy 3.RC.TE.3

Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of grade-level texts, referring explicitly to textual evidence as the basis for the answers.

Suggested Lesson

Read the book Now and Ben: The Modern Inventions of Benjamin Franklin. Identify elements of the scientific method, referring to the text for support. 

Sixth Grade

ELA/Literacy 6.VD.AV.3

Acquire and use accurately general academic and content-specific words and phrases occurring in grade level reading and content.  Use these words in discussions and writing.

Suggested Lesson

Use this Scientific Method in Action worksheet for students to accurately use words like hypothesis, independent variable, dependent variable, data, etc. 

Sixth Grade

ELA/Literacy 6.W.RW.1

Develop flexibility in writing by routinely engaging in the production of shorter and longer pieces for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences. 

Suggested Lesson

Using this lesson outline from The Tech Museum of Innovation, students design a device to address a real-world problem facing the city of Ridgecrest, and write a proposal to the mayor describing their design and explaining why it's the best choice for the city (see page 5 of lesson outline.)


Second Grade

Math 2.MD.A.1

Measure the length of an object by selecting and using appropriate tools such as rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks, and measuring tapes.

Suggested Lesson

Using the steps of the scientific method, conduct an experiment where three plants of the same type, height, and location are given different amounts of water each day. Students measure the height of the plants each day and compare their growth under different water conditions.

Third Grade

Math 3.MD.A.1

Tell and write time to the nearest minute within the same hour and measure time intervals in minutes. Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes.

Suggested Lesson

Using the scientific method, students hypothesize whether an ice cube will melt faster in milk, juice, or water. For each liquid, students record the time when the ice cube is inserted and the time when the ice cube is completely melted, then figure out the elapsed time in minutes. Analyze results to evaluate their hypothesis.

Sixth Grade

Math 6.SP.A.3

Recognize that a measure of center for a numerical data set summarizes all of its values with a single number, while a measure of variation describes how its values vary with a single number.

Suggested Lesson

Using this Drops On A Penny Lab to practice the scientific method, students record values for each of the trials and then calculate the average, in the control group and the test groups.


All Grades

Multiple Standards: The Scientific Method

All standards, across the content domains of Physical Science, Life Science, and Earth and Space Sciences, are written in language that incorporates the Scientific Method. Standards begin with one of the following phrases: 

Ask questions

Predict outcomes

Plan and conduct an investigation         

Make, use and share observations

Make observations to provide evidence

Make observations to construct an evidence-based explanation

Make measurements to provide data

Conduct an investigation and evaluate the experimental design

Gather and collect data

Ask questions about data

Represent data in graphical displays

Analyze data obtained from testing

Analyze and interpret data to provide evidence

Construct an argument with evidence

Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence

Invention Standards

Standards written with the following language specifically address the design process for inventions: 

Define a problem that can be solved by applying scientific principles

Apply scientific principles to design a method

Design a solution to a human problem 

Design and build a structure, device or solution

Use tools and materials to design and build a device

Undertake a design project to construct, test, and modify a device

Apply scientific principles to design, test and refine a device

Generate and compare multiple solutions

Make a claim about the merit of a solution to a problem

Evaluate competing design solutions

Information and Communication Technology

All Grades

Standard 4: Innovative Designer

Students use a variety of technologies within a design process to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful or imaginative solutions.

Grade-level Standards

Grades K-2

ICT.K-2.4.a With guidance from an educator, students ask questions, suggest solutions, test ideas to solve problems, and share their learning.

ICT.K-2.4.b Students use age-appropriate digital and nondigital tools to design something and are aware of the step-by-step process of designing.

ICT.K-2.4.c Students use a design process to develop ideas or creations, and they test their design and redesign if necessary.

ICT.K-2.4.d Students demonstrate perseverance when working to complete a challenging task.

Grades 3-5

ICT.3-5.4.a Students explore and practice how a design process works to generate ideas, consider solutions, plan to solve a problem or create innovative products that are shared with others.

ICT.3-5.4.b Students use digital and nondigital tools to plan and manage a design process.

ICT.3-5.4.c Students engage in a cyclical design process to develop prototypes and reflect on the role that trial and error plays.

ICT.3-5.4.d Students demonstrate perseverance when working with open-ended problems.

Grades 6-8

ICT.6-8.4.a Students engage in a design process and employ it to generate ideas, create innovative products or solve authentic problems.

ICT.6-8.4.b Students select and use digital tools to support a design process and expand their understanding to identify constraints and trade-offs and to weigh risks.

ICT.6-8.4.c Students engage in a design process to develop, test and revise prototypes, embracing the cyclical process of trial and error and understanding problems or setbacks as potential opportunities for improvement.

ICT.6-8.4.d Students demonstrate an ability to persevere and handle greater ambiguity as they work to solve open-ended problems.