Nervous System

Teacher Resources

Neuroscience for Kids is such a great resource; check it out.

Lesson plans, demonstrations, and games to help you learn about the nervous system; from Neuroscience for Kids.

KidsHealth, a very helpful site all about health, offers a section on the brain and nervous system geared for the adults to give you background information and knowledge.

Have your class make a model of a neuron.

You will want to try some of the experiments on reflexes from with your class.

From Arizona State University, take a look at A Nervous Journey. Also, A Nervous Experiment is a fun classroom activity using the scientific method. A teacher's guide is included.

Check out these nervous system lesson plans and activities from BrainFacts.

Draw Your Nervous System is a fun classroom activity in which students create a life-sized drawing.

Quizzes, puzzles, videos — lots of stuff for your interactive whiteboard that you can use for teaching the nervous system.

The University of Washington has developed several hands-on lesson plans on the nervous system that combine learning, crafts, and magic tricks.

From Kids Health, find a complete nervous system Teacher's Guide for grades 3-5.