Science of Lewis and Clark

Teacher Resources

Lewis and Clark Links

The Lewis and Clark Expedition made important strides in the mapping of the interior of the United states. Mapping the West features maps and accounts of mapping on the Expedition, as well as lesson plans for teachers.

Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation is your link to maps of the expedition route, the expedition timeline, an expedition roster and more. Includes a Curriculum Guide.

Get online access to the Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

Uncover more with a trip to Idaho Public Television's Lewis and Clark portal.

The National Park Service offers a guide to the Lewis and Clark Trail Today.

Lewis and Clark resources and more!

Take a look at the Library of Congress' Lewis and Clark Exhibition.

Find links to National Forests, National Parks, Tribal Sites, University Sites, and others from the Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail.

Peruse the Lewis and Clark Online Resources from the United States Army.

Lesson Plans!

The National Archives offers a lesson plan on Teaching With Documents: The Lewis and Clark Expedition.

Get lessons covering multiple topics and grade levels for teaching about Lewis and Clark and the Corp of Discovery's journey from The Missouri Historical Society.

NOVA describes How a sextant works and How to navigate by sextant.

The Smithsonian has a lesson on The Trail today — have students look at towns along the Lewis and Clark Trail today and compare the towns in the years 1800, 1900, and 2000.

This 11-part Lewis and Clark in-depth tour for grades 3 and up includes descriptions, photos, and fun facts.

Lessons on Maps and Map-making

What do maps show? — from the U.S. Geological Survey.

Map Adventures -- a series of lessons designed for grades K-3.

Grids and the Process of Mapmaking, for grades 6-12.