The Heart


Idaho State Standards

Here are correlations to the Idaho State Language and Math standards and to the Idaho State Science Standards. For more information about the overall standards, see the complete Idaho Content Standards for Science, the Next Generation Science Standards, and the alignment between Idaho and NGSS Science Standards. You may also access the Idaho English Language Arts/Literacy Standards and Mathematics Standards.


Third Grade


Use glossaries or beginning dictionaries, print or digital, to clarify the precise meaning of key words and phrases.

Suggested Lesson

Illustrate the parts of the heart and use a glossary to write a brief description of the circulatory process as the blood moves through the chambers of heart, lungs, and body.

Fourth Grade


Recognize and explain the meaning of common idioms, adages, and proverbs in context.

Suggested Lesson

Illustrate idioms about the heart using their literal meaning as opposed to the contextual meaning. Here's a list of idioms.

Fifth Grade


Write informational texts that introduce the topic; develop the focus with relevant facts, details, and examples from multiple sources that are logically grouped, including headings to support the purpose; and provide a concluding section.

Suggested Lesson

Research a significant medical event related to the heart and create a project to share in class. Artificial hearts, valves, heart transplants, or pacemakers might be just a few ideas that could be addressed.




Count to 100 by ones and by tens.

Suggested Lesson

Count your pulse. This might be best done in teams of two. Each person counts the other person's pulse or two people count one person's pulse at the same time from each wrist.

Third Grade


Tell and write time to the nearest minute within the same hour and measure time intervals in minutes. Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes.

Suggested Lesson

Count the number of heartbeats your body performs in a minute. Calculate how many times your heart will beat in an hour, in a day, in a week or more.

Sixth Grade


Giving quantitative measures of center (median and/or mean) and variability (interquartile range and/or mean absolute deviation), as well as describing any overall pattern and any striking deviations from the overall pattern with reference to the context in which the data were gathered.

Suggested Lesson

Measure and chart the pulse per minute of each member in your classroom. Create a set of data that shows the measures of center and variability of those data points.


Fourth Grade

Life Sciences: 4-LS-1.2

Use a model to describe that animals receive different types of information through their senses, process the information in their brains, and respond to the information in different ways.

Supporting Content

Emphasis is on systems of information transfer.

Life Sciences: 4-LS-1.1

Construct an argument that plants and animals have internal and external structures that function to support survival, growth, behavior, and reproduction.

Supporting Content

Examples of structures could include the heart. Animals have various body systems with specific functions for sustaining life: skeletal, circulatory, respiratory, muscular, digestive, etc.

Sixth Grade

Life Sciences: MS-LS-4.3

Analyze visual evidence to compare patterns of similarities in the anatomical structures across multiple species of similar classification levels to identify relationships.

Supporting Content

Scientific genus and species level names indicate a degree of relationship. Emphasis is on inferring general patterns of relatedness among structures or different organisms by comparing the appearance of anatomical structures or organs in diagrams or pictures.

Life Sciences: MS-LS-1.3

Make a claim supported by evidence for how a living organism is a system of interacting subsystems composed of groups of cells.

Supporting Content

In multicellular organisms, the body is a system of multiple interacting subsystems. These subsystems are groups of cells that work together to form tissues, those tissues form organs that are specialized for particular body functions. Examples could include the interaction of subsystems within a system and the normal functioning of those systems.