
Teacher Resources

Water Lesson Plans

Water cycle lesson plan from PBS.

Check out these water videos from PBS.

Teachers: head here for everything water. Lessons, facts, diagrams, charts, maps, activities – this will be your “water resource.”

The American Museum of Natural History has a great water site to use with your students that includes content, hands-on activities, and games. Help your students learn more about virtual water use - water they didn't know they were using.

Water Resources

NOVA shares how ancient Rome moved water using aqueducts.

Here is a printable water activity book for primary grades.

Lesson plans, teaching tools, and resources for K-12 educators from the Water Project.

Drinktap.org is a site all about drinking water.

Fun Water Activities

Interactives, games, puzzles, lessons, printable graphic lesson materials, and more – divided by age groups here.

The Incredible, Edible Aquifer – build an aquifer with your class, then eat it.

Idaho Water Resources

From the Department of Environmental Quality:

  • Lesson plan about pollution and a Healthy Environment: Like Oil and Water.
  • The Rain Takes Pollution Mainly Down the Drain.
  • Where's Your Watershed lesson plan.

Discover Water is an interactive learning site for teacher and students from Project Wet.

The newest Water Cycle Diagram from USGS.

Interactive Water Cycle Diagram for upper grades here.