Gravity Facts
Gravity ['gră-və-tē]
A force which pulls two objects with mass toward each other.

Gravity represents the attraction between objects. All objects with mass are affected by gravity. Gravity acts like a magnet — pulling objects together. What causes gravity is not really known.
The Earth has gravity. Gravity holds everything close to this planet. Trees, water, animals, buildings, and the air we breathe are all held here by gravity. All of the planets, their moons, and the stars in the universe have gravity. Even our own bodies have gravity. The Earth's gravity is far stronger than our own so we don't notice the gravity our bodies possess.
Gravity is affected by the size and proximity of objects. The Earth and the moon have a stronger pull on each other than the Earth and, say . . . , Jupiter because the Earth and moon are closer to one another. Likewise, Earth exerts a stronger pull than the moon because it is larger, so there is more pull on our bodies here on the Earth than we would feel on the moon if we were astronauts visiting there. We don't actually "feel" gravity. We only feel the effects of trying to overcome it by jumping or falling.
Mass or Weight?

Mass is the "stuff" that matter is made of. People often confuse mass with weight. But weight is actually the result of gravity pulling on the mass. Gravity's pull on an object decreases with distance from it. So, a climber on top of Mt. Everest weights a little less than at sea level. If a spaceship travels far enough from Earth, it will eventually escape Earth's pull completely.
We measure mass in grams. We measure weight in ounces and pounds. Your mass would stay the same if you could travel from planet to planet, but your weight would vary depending on how the gravity of that planet pulls on you. Check out how much you would weigh on another planet.

When one space object revolves around another, it is referred to as an orbit. The Earth orbits the sun. Our moon orbits the Earth. Many of the other planets in our solar system also have moons that orbit them. It is gravity that holds the Moon in orbit around the Earth, and gravity that enables the Sun to hold onto its family of planets.
Earth now has many man-made objects orbiting it. Satellites are placed in orbit around the Earth to assist with telephone calls, television broadcasts, and other forms of communication. Astronauts have sometimes left debris orbiting our earth too. Gloves, tools, and other junk continuously orbit our earth, floating for an unknown period of time in space.
Two forces — centripetal and centrifugal — work to keep the planets and their moons in orbit around each other.
Falling Objects

If a person drops a 10-pound ball and a 5-pound ball off a building at the same time, which one will hit the ground first? Will gravity pull harder on the 10-pound ball?
This was the subject of a famous story about the Italian scientist Galileo Galilei, who is said to have tried dropping two objects from the Leaning Tower of Pisa to find the answer to this question. You might be surprised to find out that the two objects hit the ground at almost the same time.
Gravity works the same on all objects unless wind resistance gets in the way. So if one of those balls had been attached to a parachute, it would have slowed the ball down. Amazing science! Read more about Galileo's story.
Black Holes

How strong can gravity get? Imagine gravity pulling on everything and not letting it escape — not even light! This is the essence of a black hole. The gravity in a black hole pulls everything back in toward its center which may be as small as a single atom. This makes a black hole invisible because even light is unable to break away from its effects. Scientists believe there may be millions of black holes in the Milky Way Galaxy.
Floating in Space?

So how do astronauts float in space if the pull of gravity is so strong? Astronauts don't actually float. They are being pulled by the Earth's gravity just the same as the rest of us.
But they are also orbiting the Earth, or moving sideways. This is known as centrifugal force. This sideways movement actually is pulling them away from the Earth at the same time that the Earth is pulling them down, so it appears as if they are floating.

Microgravity — is that like small gravity? Not really. Let's explain it this way. If something is falling near the earth, or normal gravity, it accelerates at 32.2 feet per second per second or 32.2 ft / sec².
Objects in space not only fall toward the Earth but also sideways or around the Earth. So if you see a video of an astronaut using a tool and that tool seems to float, it is because the astronaut and the wrench are both falling at the same time. This is a free fall or microgravity. Visit NASA's site for additional information on this concept.
The Earth's tides are caused by the moon's gravitational pull on the oceans. Tides are the rise and fall of the ocean level as related to the shoreline. High tides occur when the Earth and the moon are facing each other, and the moon is exerting its greatest pull on the ocean waters.

To a lesser degree, the moon also pulls on the rivers, lakes, and land. Find out more about tides by visiting this page on How The Moon Affects Ocean Tides.
Floating on Water?

When an object floats on top of the water, gravity is still in play, pulling objects toward the earth. For an object to float, it must displace enough water to make up the same mass as the object itself. Once that happens, the remaining mass then sits on top of the water.
For example: if a boat has a mass of 45 grams, it will displace 45 grams of water, and if that has happened before the whole thing has sunk below the surface level of the water, the boat floats. A ball of clay may sink right away, but if you flatten the clay out into the shape of a raft, it moves aside water equal to its mass and floats.
Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton (1642–1727) is the scientist credited with explaining gravity. According to the story, Newton was in his garden when he saw an apple fall from a tree. He began to wonder why the apple had fallen to the earth instead of just floating away. He came up with the idea that some unseen force must attract the apple towards the Earth. He named this force "gravity."
You would think that gravity would have been a well-known concept before Newton. After all, most of us played with gravity when we were toddlers in high chairs, dropping our spoons on the floor just to make mom come and get them. And no doubt kids from centuries ago played similar games with their mothers. But it wasn't until Newton published his ideas in a book in 1687 that the scientific world understood how gravity works as a universal physical law.
In addition to his work on gravity, Newton is known for his Three Laws of Motion, which explain the relationship between an object and the forces acting on it and how it moves in response to those forces.
Helium and Hot Air Balloons
Balloons often seem to defy gravity. We've all lost a balloon when we have accidentally let it go and watched it drift away in the sky. These balloons are filled with helium. Helium is a gas that is lighter than the other gases that make up our air. Because this gas is so light, it tries to float to the top of our atmosphere and it takes our balloon with it. The poor balloon is not strong enough to hold on to this helium for the ride to the top and so it ends up popping long before its journey is done.

Hot air balloons work on similar science. Hot air naturally tends to rise upward because it is less dense than cooler air. A hot air balloon has a heat source that fills the balloon's interior with warm air, allowing it to rise. To come down, the pilot allows the air to escape or to cool down, and the balloon descends.
Centripetal and Centrifugal Force
Two forces working together keep the planets and their moons in orbit around each other. "Centripetal" and "centrifugal" are terms scientists use to explain these forces. They work together to keep objects moving at a steady speed in a circular path.
The word centripetal is from a Latin word meaning "towards the center." It means that the direction of force is inward, coming from the center. You might think of it like a weight tied to a string that you swing around your head. The force is coming from the tension in the string which is pulling on the weight from the center of the large circle you are creating with your motion. Another example of centripetal force is the moon orbiting around the earth, where the force comes from gravity pulling it towards the center.

Centrifugal means "fleeing from the center" in Latin. It is the outward push that a person in a car going around a curve feels toward the outside of the turn. Other examples are mud flying off of a spinning tire, or children being pushed outward on a merry-go-round as it spins. The force the children feel is centrifugal force pushing them outward.

Flying has been done by birds for millions of years. Yet flight is still an amazing science, as it seems to be about the ability of heavy objects to break away from gravity. For birds, it is all about the structure of their bones, wings, and feathers. For humans that don't have those structural positives, we have to design machinery that mimics the science that enables birds to fly.

Airplane wings are designed after bird wings with a special curve in an effort for air to "lift" the plane. As a wing moves through the air, the curve of the top of the wing speeds up the air as it flows across. This reduces the pressure of the air over the top of the wing. Air on the underside then pushes upward. This is known as Bernoulli's Principle, for the famous scientist Daniel Bernoulli, who determined that the higher the velocity of a liquid, the lower the pressure it exerts. This also applies to air and is what allows kites, airplanes, space shuttles, and even plastic discs to fly. It helps fans blow air and propellers to push boats through the water.
Escape Velocity

The gravity of the earth is intense enough to make escaping its pull a real challenge for scientists when it comes to heading out into space. A rocket or other craft must reach a very high speed, or velocity, in order to break away from the pull of the earth. Escape velocity is the minimum speed an object must attain in order to leave the gravitational pull of another body. In most cases, this is referring to the earth. That was the first body of mass that scientists could learn how to leave. Later on, it was the moon. Perhaps someday we will learn to leave other bodies in our solar system. For Earth, escape velocity is about 7 miles per second or 25,000 miles per hour.
Learn More From Science Trek
Visit these other Science Trek websites to learn more about related topics.
Fun Links
NASA explores the science of gravity. Visit this site to find out what space scientists know about gravity.
ZOOM brings you some great activities to do at home or at school. Amaze everyone with your knowledge of gravity!
- Defy Gravity! Centripetal Force
- Defy Gravity! Upside Down Ping Pong Ball
- Defy Gravity! Balancing Balls on Air
- Center of Gravity: Pencil Balance
Is there gravity in space? Is it different from Earth's gravity? Find out more about gravity in space and try an experiment to duplicate how gravity effects astronauts in space.
Learn more about gravity from the European Space Agency.
Check out this cool animation from NASA about how tides affect water. See the moon's gravity pull on the ocean.
Learn the answer to this question — Why Are There Two High Tides Each Day?
Learn more about gravity from the Cat in the Hat.
Learn all about gravity, inertia, and its effects on the universe in this Study Jam from Scholastic. Then take the quiz and see how much you've learned.
Fun facts about gravity from Science Kids.
Top 10 Questions
September 2010
Thanks to Alex Miller, Brian Pierre, Jake Forsberg, and Pamela Ward; Microgravity Project Team Members, Boise State University for the answers.
What causes gravity?
Gravity is caused by the mass of objects. The larger the mass, the more gravity it has. That's why the moon has less gravity than the Earth does. Its mass is less. (From Cole in Mrs. Peterson's class at Owyhee Elementary School in Boise)
Why isn't there gravity in space?
There is gravity in space. There's gravity everywhere. When you see astronauts in space, it looks like they are floating. However, gravity is affecting them just like it's affecting us on Earth. (From Quinn in Mrs. Peterson's class at Owyhee Elementary School in Boise)
How fast do you have to go to escape the atmosphere?
You can escape the atmosphere at any speed you want, but for us on Earth, there is a term called "escape velocity." This is the speed you would have to go to never come back to Earth. It's about seven miles a second, which is very, very fast. (From Kaleb in Mrs. Peterson's class at Owyhee Elementary School in Boise)
Will Saturn smash you like a pancake because it has so much gravity?
The mass of Saturn is much greater than the mass of Earth. So, if we were to stand on Saturn, we would feel much more forced toward its surface. Depending on the exact mass of Saturn, it is possible that it could smash us. (From Kyle in Mrs. Stoddard's class at Owyhee Elementary School in Boise)
Does the sun keep Pluto in orbit?
The sun is so huge and has such strong gravitational pull that it is able to keep all of the planets in orbit, including Pluto, which is really far away. (From Reagan in Mrs. Hunt's class at Cynthia Mann Elementary School in Boise)
Does the moon have gravity?
Everything that has mass has gravitational force associated with it. Therefore, the moon does have gravity. If you were there, you would feel the gravitational force. The Earth has so much more mass than the moon that its gravitational force keeps us on its surface. When we see astronauts on the moon, they bounce around (or can jump higher than we can on Earth) because gravity there is less strong. (From Victor in Mrs. Hunt's class at Cynthia Mann Elementary School in Boise)
Why do feathers float?
Feathers float because of air resistance. A feather has a lot of surface area. As a feather falls downward, air pushes up on it. The air is able to push on it enough that it essentially cancels out gravity. Therefore it falls more slowly to the ground. (From Lauren in Mrs. Schweitzer's class at Riverside Elementary School in Boise)
Why do we need gravity?
Gravity is very important to us. The solar system would not even exist without gravity. Planets were made from gas that condensed due to gravitational force over a long period of time. We have gravity to thank for everything. If there were no gravity, we wouldn't be here. (From Isabel in Mrs. Schweitzer's class at Riverside Elementary School in Boise)
How can you make zero gravity on an airplane?
When an airplane's flight pattern is a parabola (up and down, up and down), it creates a feeling of weightlessness right at the top as it's changing from going up to going down. It's not really zero gravity. It's that you are falling at the same rate as gravity, so you don't feel the effects of gravity on you. (From Sarah in Eagle)
What causes black holes?
Black holes are suspected to be very, very massive objects that collapse in on themselves because of their own gravity to a point where they are very, very tiny. They have so much gravity that nothing can escape them. This includes light, which is why we call them black holes. (From Adam who is home schooled)