Moon Facts
The Moon [mōōn]
The celestial body that revolves around the earth.
What is the Moon?

The moon is the Earth's closest neighbor in space, and it is the only natural satellite orbiting Earth. The Latin word for moon is "Luna," so when you hear the term "lunar" you will know it is referring to the moon. This cold, rocky body is about 384,403 kilometers (238,857 miles) away. This distance is similar to going around the earth 10 times or lining up 30 earths in a row. If you were to drive from the moon to the Earth at 65 mph (just over 100 kph), going 24 hours a day, it would take you 153 days (about 5 months), to get here.
The moon is 3,476 kilometers (2,160 miles) in diameter. It is about 400 times smaller than the sun, but it is also about 400 times closer to Earth than the sun. Because things that are farther away tend to look smaller, when viewed from the Earth, the sun and moon appear to be the same size.
The moon is very old! Scientists believe that about 4.5 billion years ago a Mars-sized body hit Earth and the resulting debris (from both Earth and the impacting body) accumulated to form the Moon. Scientists believe this because they studied the lunar rocks that were collected by astronauts who went to the moon. The moon and the earth are made of the same material.
Other planets in our solar system have moons too. Earth has only one moon, and Venus has none, but Jupiter, for example, has 79 moons! Our moon is the fifth largest moon in the solar system. Find out more about other moons at NASA Space Place.
You can read more about the moon at NASA's StarChild, a Learning Center for Young Astronomers.
What's it like on the Moon?

The maximum temperature during the day is 253° F (123° C), which is hot enough to boil water! At night the temperature can reach -387° F (-232° C), much colder than anywhere on Earth.
The moon has no atmosphere, so the lunar sky is black. On Earth, the sky is blue because of the atmosphere. On the moon, there is no wind, rain, sound, or breathable air. Astronauts must carry their own air for breathing when they visit the moon.
The surface of the moon is covered in craters or holes that have been created by space rocks or meteors that hit the ground. The lack of atmosphere there allows the rocks to crash into the surface, and allows the craters to remain as they are for billions of years. An atmosphere like the Earth's would prevent most meteors from reaching the surface, and any craters would be changed by weather and erosion. You can see craters on the moon with a pair of binoculars. You can also see dark and light areas. The dark areas are plains formed by hardened lava, and the light area are highlands or mountains.

No rivers, lakes, or oceans exist on the moon. But in 2018, water ice was confirmed on the surface of the moon for the first time. As shown in the photos above, these frozen ponds are located at the cold, dark, north and south poles of the moon. Scientists believe that the ice may be the remnant of a comet that crashed into the moon long ago. The discovery is important because it is possible that future lunar expeditions might have a readily available source of water.
If you weigh 60 pounds on Earth, you would weigh 10 pounds on the Moon because gravity is 1/6th as strong on the Moon. That's why astronauts could leap and jump so high on the moon.
The gravity of the moon causes the rise and fall of the ocean tides on Earth. The gravitational pull of the moon on Earth causes high and low tides around the globe, with the time between high tides being about 12 hours 25 minutes. Learn more about the moon's effect on ocean tides from NOAA.
The Far Side of the Moon
The same side of the moon always faces Earth. The other side of the moon is always turned away from us. Because the moon rotates on its axis in about the same length of time it takes to orbit the Earth, we only ever see about 60% of its surface. The side that we see is called the near side, while the other side is called the far side.
Below is a NASA photo of the far side of the moon. Until humans sent spacecraft around the moon, no one had seen this side of our neighbor. In 2019, the first rover landed on the Moon's far side.

The moon has no light of its own. It shines because sunlight is reflected off its surface.
Phases of the Moon

Why does the moon appear to change shape each night? The moon orbits, or revolves, around the Earth about once every 27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes. As it orbits, the Sun lights up different parts of its surface, and our view of the sunlit moon changes. This movement causes the moon to cycle through a series of phases: New, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full, Waning Gibbous, Last Quarter, Waning Crescent, and back to New again. This diagram shows the phases of the moon, from a new moon, which you can hardly see at all, to a full moon and back again, in just over four weeks.
Learn more: Dr. Marc Rayman answers the question, How long does each phase of the moon last?
Lunar Eclipse

Sometimes the moon passes through some portion of the earth's shadow and the Earth blocks part or all of the sun's rays from reaching the moon. This is called a lunar eclipse and can only occur at Full Moon. A schedule of upcoming lunar eclipses can be found on NASA's website.
Moon Missions

Almost three hundred sixty years after the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei made his first observation of the moon with a telescope in 1610, astronauts from the Apollo 11 mission first landed on the moon on July 21, 1969. The first person to walk on the moon was the American astronaut Neil Armstrong, who stepped out of his landing craft with these famous words: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Don't miss the great Apollo 11 story from NASA complete with audio, video, and photos.
During NASA's six Apollo missions of 1969-1972, 12 American astronauts walked on the moon and used lunar vehicles to travel on the surface. They brought back 842 pounds (382 kilograms) of lunar soil and rock to Earth for study.

This photo (right) offers a close-up view of an astronaut's footprint in the lunar soil. Because there is no atmosphere, astronauts' footprints on the surface of the moon remain and are not blown away. Find more moonwalk photos at this NASA site.
Moon exploration continues today with rovers, orbiters, and robotic missions sent by many different countries throughout the world. NASA has compiled a chronology of moon missions, starting with the USA's and USSR's first missions in the late 1950s. Check out NASA's current plans for future moon exploration. Maybe you will visit the moon someday!
Fun Links
NASA has some great sites for you!
NASA's Space Place for young people has games, videos, activities, and more. Find out about a blood moon, super moon, and blue moon. Make moon cookies, illustrate the phases of the moon with Oreos, and build a moon habitat.
Learn more about the moon, experience a lunar eclipse, and see some amazing photos at NASA's Lunar Portal.
At the Earth's Moon site, check out NASA's interactive moon map, in-depth moon facts, moon exploration page, and tips on observing the moon.
Take a narrated tour of the moon.
Our moon isn't the only one! Learn more about the 158 confirmed moons in our solar system.
Interactive maps of the moon allow you to explore the earth-facing side of the moon.
Explore the moon with the gang from Ready Jet Go! offers an interactive atlas with an extensive gallery of photos for each of the moon's regions.
Here is a current view of the Moon from Earth.
Here is a view of Earth from the Moon.
Get your moon questions answered at Ask An Astronomer.
Find the Moon's size or Build a Lunar Settlement — At Home Astronomy has hands-on science experiments for the entire family!
Find out more about moon landings and the Apollo space program.
Learn about the Top Ten scientific discoveries made during the Apollo missions' explorations of the moon.
Space information for you is available from Amazing Space, NASA's Space Telescope Education Program.
Dr. Marc explains how long each phase of the moon lasts.
Check out these sites for additional facts about the moon's phases: Phases from Star Child or Phases of the Moon from National Geographic.
Where did the moon come from in the first place? Find out at ESA Kids.
Would you like to try some Moon Projects?
Top 10 Questions
November 2011
Thanks to Jason Barnes, Professor of Physics, University of Idaho; and Daryl Macomb, Associate Professor of Physics, Boise State University for the answers.
Why is the moon important to the Earth?
The moon helps stabilize the Earth's rotation axis. The tilt of the Earth's axis causes the seasons. Without the moon, over hundreds of thousands of years, the intensity of Earth's seasons would change. Winters would be colder and summers would be warmer. These changes can cause ice ages or glaciers to move forward and back. (From Daniel in Mrs. Hudson's class at Dalton Elementary School in Dalton Gardens)
How big is the moon?
The moon is about one-fourth as big as Earth, but it's only one percent as massive as the Earth. (From Matt in Mrs. Schweitzer's class at Riverside Elementary School in Boise)
How do stars form?
Stars are forming all the time. Gravity, which keeps us attached to the planet and causes the moon to orbit the Earth, is ultimately the cause of stars forming. If you have a nebula, a large ball of gas, and there is enough mass, gravity will shrink this gas ball down more and more and eventually most of the mass is built up in the center where a star is. (From Jack at Dalton Elementary School in Dalton Gardens)
Why doesn't the moon fall down?
The moon is falling down. The Moon falling keeps it in that stable circular orbit around the Earth. Any object that's in a circular orbit is there because gravity keeps it falling in that orbit. (From Hiram who is homeschooled)
Can the materials be removed from the moon and taken back to the Earth to study?
One of the great things about exploring the moon is that we have had the chance for humans to go there and bring back materials for study. The further away something gets, the harder it is to study. (From Christian in Mrs. McCamish-Cameron's class at Grace Jordan Elementary School in Boise)
What's on the dark side of the moon?
The dark side of the moon is the night side of the moon and is whichever half is night at a given time. Half the moon is day and half is night and it keeps changing. There is a far side of the moon, the half we can't see. The far side of the moon is all bright. There is hardly any dark material. (From Mahala in Mrs. McCamish-Cameron's class at Grace Jordan Elementary School in Boise)
Has anyone been able to film a meteor hitting the moon and forming a crater?
At this point, we have not yet seen an actual meteor hitting the moon. However, the Apollo astronauts in the 1960s took a bunch of pictures of the moon while they were orbiting around. Right now, we have another spacecraft orbiting the moon that's taking much better, high-resolution pictures. We want to compare the two pictures and see if new craters have been formed. (From Gerry in Boise)
Why does the moon have so much water to pull on the waves and tides, but does not pull up other stuff from the Earth?
The moon does pull up everything. Everything gets pulled by the moon, back and forth, the land, the water, and the air, but it's all differing amounts. Because the ocean gets pulled more, we see the affect of the tides more. We're being pulled too. We just don't see it because it's in relation to everything that's around us. (From Adria in Mrs. Chaffee's class at Valley View Elementary School in Boise)
Why do we have different shapes of the moon?
All the time, half the moon is in the sun and half is in the dark. We see different phases of the moon because we are seeing the shadow of the moon from different positions. What's important is where the moon is with respect to the Earth and the sun. You get a full moon when half the moon is completely illuminated and is on the opposite side of the Earth from the sun. (From Natalie in Mrs. Woodall's class at Dalton Elementary School in Dalton Gardens)
Why do we only see one side of the moon?
The moon spins around at the same rate in which it's orbiting around us. So, we see the same side all the time. (From Daniel in Mrs. Woodall's class at Dalton Elementary School in Dalton Gardens)