The Moon Seems to Change (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 2)

The Lets-Read-and-Find-Out series is a winner in most classrooms. Science concepts written especially for beginning readers makes this a lovely addition to your other science books. The Moon Seems to Change discusses the moon's phases and gives a great science discussion of just how this happens and why.
The Moon Book

The beautiful bright paintings add a certain charm to this science discussion of the moon's phases, how the moon impacts our tides and other facts. It also discusses some of the folk tales that the moon is responsible for creating. Hands-on activities for doing with your child make this book just irresistible.
I Am The Moon

The moon plays an important role in the cycle of life on Earth, from its impact on marine life to its interaction with Earth's gravity. Bright, bold colors and engaging text enhance this introduction to the moon for young children.
The Moon

Beautiful full color photographs from NASA make this a must have for your classroom library. A comprehensive look at the moon and the science we know. Great book for your science class.
When You Look Up at the Moon (Rookie Read-About Science)

The moon is the topic of this easy reader with clear illustrations to help share the physical details of our nearest neighbor.
So That's How the Moon Changes Shape!(Rookie Read-About Science)

Another great discussion about the moon's phases for beginning readers who are also beginning scientists.
Phases of the Moon (Patterns in Nature series)

The phases of the moon can be a challenging concept to share with students of all ages due to the size and point of view we have of the moon in space. This book will simplify that topic for you and enhance your instruction with clear explanations and photographs.
First Man: The Life of Neil A. Armstrong

The first man to set foot on the moon is the subject of this biography. If your love is astronauts then you must read about this famous man and his life and contributions to the program that set the United States apart in the world of science.
Mission Control, This is Apollo: The Story of the First Voyages to the Moon

The history and experiences of the Apollo missions shared through the eyes of the astronauts. Unusual, seldom-heard details will make this book a treasure. This huge book is filled with photographs and illustrations to bring you in on all of the missions of the Apollo program.
Reaching for the Moon

Buzz Aldrin was the second man to put foot on the moon. Here is his story in a complete autobiography that includes how he got the name "Buzz." From childhood to the moon and all of the years following. A great read for your future astronaut.
Daring Dozen: Twelve Who Walked On The Moon

Between 1969 and 1972, twelve lunar explorers touched down on the moon's surface. With beautiful paintings and photographs, this book highlights each of the astronauts, rovers, and discoveries that expanded human knowledge about our nearest neighbor in space.
Team Moon: How 400,000 People Landed Apollo 11 on the Moon

We all know about the many trips made to the moon and the history of those missions. But what we don't know as well are the countless people behind the scenes who helped to put humans on the moon. Learn about them and their huge contributions. What a tribute to the men and women of the space program!!
If You Decide To Go To the Moon

This is a fun look at how one might visit the moon. Details are shared about travelling to the moon; from what to eat, how to dress, and how relative gravity will feel to their bodies, the text will capture every young reader. The paintings are just as much fun as the content.
On the Moon

NASA photos and great text allow your young scientist to visit the moon. Learn all about the moon as if you were right there.