The Moon

Teacher Resources

Lesson Plans for your Moon Unit

K-3 teachers: These Ready Jet Go! videos from PBS offer engaging lessons including Journey to the Moon, The Moon's Craters, Phases of the Moon, Moonquakes, and more.

Teacher Planet has lots of lessons and worksheets.

The Lunar and Planetary Institute offers fully developed collections of classroom activities that will enhance your moon unit.

Moon Activities

Engage students with Moon activities including Phases of the Moon and All About The Moon.

The Moon Landing — a great poem for kids about astronauts landing on the moon.

Take a look at these ideas for hands-on activities from NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab. Your students might enjoy making an earth-moon model, acting out moon phases, building a moon rover, recording moon observations, or exploring a lunar eclipse.

Especially for Educators

Increase your understanding of current research and knowledge of the moon with these NASA sites:

Check out these activities from the Astronomical Society of the Pacific: Exploring Lunar Phases with a Daytime Moon and Crash Landing!

Google Moon — Get a Google-eyed view of the 6 Apollo landing sites. Also, from this page is a link to download Google Earth's 3-D app of the moon.